European businesses optimistic about VN’s business environment

European businesses optimistic about VN’s business environment

  •   23/07/2018 12:49:00 PM
  •   Đã xem: 1598
  •   Phản hồi: 3
VGP - European firms continue to be optimistic about the business environment in Viet Nam and expect that the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement will soon come into effect. 
M&A transactions worth US$48.8 bln over decade

M&A transactions worth US$48.8 bln over decade

  •   23/07/2018 12:49:00 PM
  •   Đã xem: 1294
  •   Phản hồi: 2
VGP – As many as 4,000 Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) transactions have been launched over the recent decade in Viet Nam with the total value of around US$48.8 billion.
Network security a challenge to digital banking

Network security a challenge to digital banking

  •   22/07/2018 05:17:00 PM
  •   Đã xem: 1408
  •   Phản hồi: 3
Vietnam is developing digital banking, but vulnerabilities in cybersecurity remain a barrier to growth.